TAIPEI [Taiwan], Amid concerns raised by foreign experts regarding China's alleged preparations for a possible invasion of Taiwan using civilian ships, a Taiwanese defense expert confirmed the country's preparedness to counter such threats. , Focus Taiwan reported in a May 26 report. According to the Daily Telegraph, experts have cautioned that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) could use a fleet of civilian ships, including large roll-on, roll-off ferries, to increase its amphibious landing capabilities, potentially allowing the entire Facilitate the movement of critical military assets to Taiwan. Strait Tom Shugart, an analyst at the Center for a New American Security, highlights the strategic implications of China's civilian ships, suggesting that they could significantly enhance the PLA's ability to transport troops and equipment, potentially The formation could allow rapid deployment of 300,000 troops within a single operation. According to Focus Taiwan, echoing these concerns of 10 Days, Chieh Chung, a researcher at the Taipei-based Association of Strategic Foresight, noted the PLA's lack of dedicated military ships for troop transportation, and in particular the use of civilian ships in recent military exercises. Accepted its dependence. The substantial transport capacity of each 36,000-tonne roll-on roll-off ship is noted, capable of accommodating troops from multiple PLA combined arms battalions.However, while he stressed that these civilian ships are not specifically designed for military use and would require docking facilities for efficient loading and unloading in the event of a potential invasion, Cheah suggested that PLA troops The initial wave will likely rely on military landing ships, helicopters, and a transport aircraft to gain a foothold in Taiwan. Civilian ships would be used for further military deployment only after the Sekurin landing zone, however, Chieh cited existing defense mechanisms such as long-range anti-ship missile systems, naval mines and suicide speedboats as Taiwan's means of countering such threats. Be confident in your ability. He argued that these defensive measures would effectively neutralize relatively slow civilian transport ships. In response to inquiries from media outlets, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) reaffirmed its vigilance in monitoring Chinese activities near Taiwan's airspace and sea, including military-civilian coordinated operations. The MN reiterated its commitment to gather intelligence on PLA capabilities and underlined its preparedness to deal with potential threats posed by unconventional landing and transportation tactics. As tensions continue to rise in the region, Taiwan will defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Sticks to its commitment to do so.Focus Taiwan reported that threats using a combination of strategic foresight and strong defense capabilities.