Solapur, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said the Congress, despite its "tainted background", is dreaming of snatching power in the country, unaware that the INDI alliance has already lost the first two phases of the Lok Sabha elections. .

Addressing a rally in Solapur, Modi said there was a 'grand war' going on in the IND faction over leadership and they had come up with the formula of "five prime ministers in five years" who would ultimately loot the country.

He said that people have tested him for 10 years while there is a leadership crisis in the Indian camp. "In this election, you will choose the guarantee of development for the next years. On the other hand, there are people who, before 2014, had tested the country because of corruption, Terrorism and non-governance.Despite its tainted history, the Congress is once again dreaming of snatching power in the country, but they do not know that in the first two phases of the elections, the INDI alliance has lost,'' Modi said.

You have tested Modi for 10 years, you have seen his every step and measured his every word. He said, on the other hand, a 'great war' is going on in the Indian alliance for leadership.

"Will you hand over the reins of the country to someone who has not yet decided the name or face (of the PM candidate)? Will anyone make such a mistake?" he asked. Targeting the opposition group, Modi said that some people are creating cracks in the country to snatch power and have come up with the formula of 'five prime ministers in five years'.He said, "One year, one PM. The first will loot as much as he wants, the second will keep looting and then the third, fourth and fifth will do the same."

Taking a dig at Uddhav Thackeray, Modi said the 'fake' Shiv Sena says it has many options for leadership. Can the country go on this formula of 'five prime ministers in five years'? In reality, they are not. They want to run and they don't care about your future, they just want to eat the 'cream' (alluding to corruption)," he said.Modi said, in the last 10 years, the central government's emphasis was on true social justice, while Congress during its 60 years of rule worked to curb the rights of SC, ST and OBC.

He said that Maharashtra is the land of social justice. Modi said, "You have seen 60 years of Congress rule and also 10 years of Modi's service. The kind of work done for social justice in the last decade, freedom Didn't happen after."

He said that it is their (Congress's) policy to do nothing for the backward classes so that they remain 'dependent' on them and seek votes.The PM said, "We gave constitutional status to the OBC Commission, implemented OBC quota in medical examinations, increased the political quota for OBCs, which should be extended for 10 years." Without taking away the rights of Dalits, tribals or OBCs, he said. , the government gave 10 percent quota to poor people from the general category, which was welcomed by everyone including Dalit leaders.

"Since every child cannot get education in English medium, we allowed students to become doctors in Marathi medium. If they want to become engineers, they can study in Marathi. You can run the country, even if You don’t know English,” H. said.Modi said Congress never wanted Dalit, tribal and OBC leadership to lead the country and insulted Dalit leaders. He said, "Babasaheb Ambedkar got Bharat Ratna when there was a BJP-backed government at the Centre. BJP tries to give maximum representation to Dalits and tribals.'' He said that NDA has made a Dalit's son (Ram Nath Kovind) and a tribal daughter (Draupadi Murmu) become the President in 2014 and 2019.

Modi claimed that the Congress and INDI alliance are "spreading lies" on OB representation as they are irritated after being exposed.He said, "In the entire election, the agenda of the Indian alliance is only to abuse Modi. They use new abuses every day. I want to ask them to speak for the nation. There is a lack of foresight. We have foresight And we can turn it into reality.He alleged that the Congress-led opposition was also "spreading lies that the Constitution will be changed (if the BJP comes to power again)." P said.

He said this is an opportunity for them to atone for the sins committed by their ancestors who had done injustice to Dalits and people from backward communities.

Modi claimed that the Indian alliance wants to give Dalits and OBCs' share to minorities. He said, "I will not allow this ploy.They have already played a game by giving a large share of reservation to minorities in Karnataka. I will not allow this. People from SC, ST and OBC communities had to face difficulties."

Congress did not allow Baba Saheb Ambedkar's Constitution to be implemented in Kashmir.

He said, “They insulted the Constitution by inserting Article 370, but Modi abrogated it and gave the right to social justice to the people of Jammu and Kashmir.“Solapur (SC) seat will see a contest between Congress's Praniti Shinde and BJ candidate Ram Satpute.