“Everything about that place suits me. "Very laid-back, a lot of cricket, a lot of sport and I still have a lot of friends on the island. I've been here watching England, watching them win. I think every kid is here," Salt was quoted as saying by the ICC. " The crowd might be gone, one day she'll be me, or I'd love for her to be me one day, but you never believe it.

“So now with the opportunity to do something special over the next month, to come here in an England shirt is really incredible. That day I got the touch of the trophy. Whenever I think about that day, that always sticks in my mind,” he added.

Salt was also part of England's title-winning campaign in 2022 and now aims to win more games for the Three Lions.

“When I was a kid, whoever hit the ball hard or held the ball, I would watch them on YouTube and just try to emulate them. I want to be the guy to win more matches for England.”

The opening batsman further said that his aim is to lift the trophy in Barbados like in 2010. The final of the tournament will be played on June 29 at Kensington Oval, Barbados.

“There's still a little way to go, but that's absolutely the goal. We are here to win,” he said.