The sources, who spoke anonymously, said on Saturday that the Lebanese army's land border regiment opened fire with a group of four smugglers who were accused of trying to cross goods into Syria from the Lebanese side through an illegal land crossing in Deir el Achair. Was seen trying to smuggle. East of Mount Hermo Heights in the east of Lebanon.

The source said the injured man was transferred to Rashaya Government Hospital, while the other two escaped, Xinhua news agency reported.

Despite consistent efforts by the Lebanese authorities to control and combat smuggling, smuggling and infiltration activities have been observed through illegal crossings along the border separating Lebanon and Syria.

Smuggling occurs in both directions, but due to the deteriorating economic conditions in both countries and the sanctions imposed on Syria, smuggling from Lebanon to Syria has become common. This includes smuggling of basic goods subsidized by the Lebanese state, such as flour, fuel and medicine.