New Delhi [India], Amid the assault case, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal on Wednesday claimed that she received a call from a senior party leader and revealed that there is "a lot of pressure to speak". Earlier this month, Maliwal had filed a complaint against Delhi Chief Minister's aide Bibhav Kumar, accusing him of assaulting her at the CM's residence. In a post on X, Maliwal further claimed that the party is pressurizing its member to leak his pictures. , I got a call from a senior party leader. She told me how there is a lot of pressure on everyone, they have to say dirty things against Swati and break her by leaking her private pictures. It is being said that whoever supports him will be expelled from the party. Someone has been given the responsibility of PC and someone has been given the responsibility of tweeting. Maliwal said in a post on Wednesday, “The duty of someone is to call the volunteers sitting in America and bring out something against me, the duty of some beat journalists close to the accused is to prepare some fake sting operation.Maliwal also criticized Delhi minister and AAP leader Atishi. Without naming him, he described it as 'sad' that he was 'smilingly defaming the character' of an 'old female colleague'. “You raise an army of thousands, I will face him alone because the truth is with me. I am not angry with them, the accused is a very powerful man. Even the biggest leaders are afraid of him.No one has the courage. I don't have any expectations from anyone. I am saddened that the woman minister of Delhi is smilingly defaming the character of an old woman colleague of the party. The chief said that he has Reiterated her desire to continue the fight for self-respect. “I have started the fight for my self-respect, I will keep fighting until I get justice.I am all alone in this fight but will not give up!” Maliwa said that a case was registered against Bibhav Kumar and based on Maliwal's complaint, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) was formed to investigate the case. Bibhav was arrested by Delhi Police on Sunday, May 19 and is currently in police custody till May 23. Bibhav has filed a counter complaint against Maliwal, accusing him of trespassing at the CM's entrance. Earlier in the day, Delhi Police had brought Vibhav Kumar back to Delhi, his phone location was tracked at all three places.Police have recorded statements of some people. Delhi Police had earlier told Tis Hazari Court that they would take Kumar to Mumbai, where he had allegedly formatted his phone. A case of assault came to light a few days before voting at the national level. Capita which is going to be held in the sixth phase on 25th May.