New Delhi [India], After being sent to 14-day judicial custody, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's aide Vibhav Kumar is planning to file a bail plea in connection with the alleged attack on AAP Rajya Sabha MP Swat Maliwal. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) legal cell chief lawyer Sanjeev Nasiyar said on Friday that an application will be filed for the bail of Swati Maliwal in the case of her alleged attack.
Sanjeev Nasiyar told ANI on Friday, "Vibhav Kumar has been sent to 14-day judicial custody. He will be kept in Tiha jail. We will file a bail plea soon.We are hopeful that he will get bail in 2-4 days." Earlier in the day, Delhi's Tiz Hazari court sent Bibhav Kumar to 14-day judicial custody in the case of alleged attack on Maliwal. Three days on May 28 Kumar was produced in court after his police custody ended on Friday. Speaking to ANI on May 18, AAP MP Swati Maliwal said in connection with the case. and alleged that an attempt was made to portray him as a "villain" and Bibhav Kumar as a "hero" after allegations of assault were made against him.Maliwal accused the party of shaming the victim and said her character was "defamed" and she was left "alone in the entire fight". "Vibhav Kumar beat me very badly in Arvind Kejriwal's drawing room, and as soon as I filed a complaint in this matter, the resources and leadership of the entire party were used against me. Every day I felt embarrassed, my character Has been defamed." Maliwal told ANI on Friday that he also pointed to Kejriwal accompanying Vibhav Kumar during his visit to Lucknow and Amritsar to campaign in the Lok Sabha elections. The AAP MP said, "As soon as Delhi Police arrested Vibhav Kumar, Arvind Kejriwal himself and the entire party came out on the streets to protest against his arrest.An attempt was made to show that he is the hero and I am the villain." Maliwal expressed confidence in the judiciary in this case and said, "Today I am left alone in this entire fight because I have filed a complaint against Bibhav Kumar. I am fighting this battle alone and will continue to fight till the end.'' I know what I have said is the absolute truth. My only hope for justice in this entire battle is from the court.Maliwal filed a formal police complaint against Bibhav Kumar on May 14, a day after the alleged attack. A day later, Bibhav Kumar filed a counter-complaint with the police, charging Maliwal with 'unauthorized entry' into the CM's Civil Lines residence. And he was accused of 'verbally abusing' Vibhav Kumar, and based on Maliwal's complaint a Special Investigation Team (SIT) was formed. Was arrested by Delhi Police on 19 May.