Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Spiritual leader Swami Dipankar on Monday marked a milestone as his 'Bhiksha Yatra', pledged with the aspiration of building a society free from caste divide, reached Uttar Pradesh's Saharanpur. I have completed 500 days starting from Deoband. The Yatra has spread the message of harmony, peace and spiritual awakening through the villages, towns and cities of Western Uttar Pradesh. He was also accompanied by disciples and devotees "For 500 days, we have walked the path of service and spirituality, transcending boundaries to embrace the shared essence of humanity. As we celebrate this monumental milestone, let us remember That true devotion knows no caste, no creed." Swami Dipankar said, “It is only infinite love that unites us all.” from all walks of life and fostered a sense of kinship and overcoming obstacles and a sense of collective consciousness. The journey witnessed many acts of kindness and generosity, with a community opening their doors and hearts to Swami Dipankar and his followers and leaving a lasting impression. From simple dwellings to grand temples, as the journey reaches this historical milestone, it is a reminder of the transformative power of faith and devotion and continues to inspire many. Swami Dipankar expressed his gratitude to all those who supported and participated in his Bhiksha Yatra. Looking forward to continuing my journey with renewed enthusiasm and dedication. Swami Dipankar was born in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh and received guidance in the ashram of Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, receiving education and initiation from his revered Guru.