BJP Rajya Sabha MP Sudhanshu Trivedi said the Supreme Court's landmark judgment "reminds us that whenever the Congress has come to power, it has damaged the Constitution".

BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawala said the decision has rectified the historic mistake that the Rajiv Gandhi government had committed for the sake of vote bank.

He said, "Congress's character has not changed even today; it still opposes UCC and Triple Talaq law." Even today, when necessary steps are taken for women empowerment, they are also opposed. Be it the incident that happened with him, Swati Maliwal or the Sandeshkhali incident, Congress remains silent on every issue.

Another BJP spokesperson Shazia Ilmi lauded the decision and accused Congress of putting women's lives in darkness for vote bank.

Triple talaq activist and vice-chairperson of Uttarakhand Women's Commission Shayra Bano said the decision is in favor of all Muslim women. Bano, herself a victim of triple talaq, said, "This will improve their financial condition and will also reduce the cases of triple talaq. Besides, the social status of Muslim women will also improve."