BJP state president and Union Minister of State Sukant Majumdar said, "The apex court's decision is another slap on the face of the government which tried to save the main accused in the Sandeshkhali cases by spending crores of taxpayers' money."

He said it has become a regular practice for the state government to approach the Supreme Court with its unreasonable arguments which are automatically rejected.

Former CPI(M) MLA from Sandeshkhali, Nirapad Sardar, said that when the world knows that Sheikh Shahjahan was the terror of Sandeshkhali and the mastermind behind the rapes, then why is the state government making a desperate attempt to save him by approaching the apex court.

Trinamool Congress leader Kunal Ghosh said he hoped the top court would ensure the impartiality of the central agency in the investigation.

On Monday, the apex court bench headed by Justice BR Gavai refused to interfere with the Calcutta High Court's order directing the CBI to begin its investigation in the case after forming a Special Investigation Team (SIT) for that purpose. Was instructed to do.