Bengaluru, Superstar and 'KGF' actor Yash cast his vote for the Lok Sabha elections in Hosakerehalli, Bengaluru on Friday.

Later Yash said that it is everyone's responsibility to vote.

“We must vote without fail. Yash said, “We have to develop the habit of voting from the very beginning when we get the right to vote.”

“At every stage we must take decisions and vote. This time the number of voters has increased compared to last time. This is a good development. In democracy the opinion of all people should be given importance. India has made a place for itself in the world. We must use this opportunity to move forward,” Hope said.

Kannada superstar Rakshit Shetty of 'Charlie 777' fame also cast his vote at Kukkikatte Aided Private Primary School in Udupi city. Rakshit came with his family to the polling booth located near his residence.

After voting, Rakshit said, “I have been settled in Bengaluru for 18 years. I come to Udupi (located 402 km from Bengaluru) every time to vote. I am happy to come to my native place from Bengaluru for the purpose of voting. Started on Thursday night and reached Udupi.

“Voting is our right and responsibility. It is about my place, my country, my responsibility. I feel happy about it. I cast my vote after seeing the developments that have taken place in the last five years. I vote keeping in mind who will be brought to power for the next five years. I think and discuss with political experts and later decide whom to vote for,” said Rakshit.