The celestial visitor, also known as the 'Devil Comet', has been giving humanity glimpses of it since early March, appearing as a bright, small spot, said the scientist, founder-secretary of the Amateur Astronomers Association. , which some astronomers of India have captured in their cameras. Mumbai), India Adoor.

"Starting tomorrow, the comet will begin its 'perihelion passage', meaning it will be at its closest point to the Sun when it is brightest. It will then approach Earth by about 232 million km by June, when it will be as close as Earth's The world will be visible in parts, but blurry,” Adur told IANS.He shared an exclusive photo of Ashish Shinojha, an amateur astronomer who set out on the barren lands of Gujarat's Kutch district this week to capture the sky visitor in all its glory.

Comet 12P/Ponce-Brookes is estimated to be larger than Mount Everest (8.84 kilometers tall), and the chunks of ice and rocks were about 17 kilometers or more apart, according to calculations by scientific experts in a 2020 research paper. Twice the highest mountain in the world.

Its nucleus is estimated to be about 30 km in diameter and the whole thing is hurtling through space at an astonishing speed of 26,000 km/h, with the streak increasing as it gets closer to the Sun.

The intergalactic visitor is actually a cool, active cryovolcanic comet that's streaking across the sky and has earned itself a wicked nickname.'Devil's Comet
, releases 'cryo-magma' consisting of billions of kilograms of ice, water and gases (meteoroid shower) which gives it an irregular shape like devil's horns.

In fact, in the last week of December 2023, 12P/Ponce-Brookes suddenly attracted attention when a series of violent explosions shook it and left a 'meteorological shower' far from Earth.

Adur urged people, especially youth, to look at the sky on the western horizon in the Aries constellation after sunset until about 8:15 p.m. And take advantage of the comet's 'darshan', "as its next visit to the solar system will take place only in August 2095".

He said that according to the Starwalk app, 12P/Ponce-Brookes was last seen at perihelion on May 22, 1954, and later, humanity gazed and marveled at the electrifying spectacle of Halley's Comet (1986) across the sky.Among the brightest known periodic comets, '12P/Pons–Brooks' was first discovered by astronomer Jean-Louis Pons in July 1812, and later by William Robert Brooks in 1883, during his return trip to the Solar System. , although there were many such comets other astronomers credited with seeing around the world over the past eight centuries.

"This is truly a historic, once-in-a-lifetime astronomical spectacle...No one currently living on Earth will remember seeing 12P/Ponce-Brookes in 1954, and hardly anyone will know about it." Will live to see it in the next interplanetary journey, 2095,” Adur smiled.

With an aim to carry forward the legacy of observing the '12P/Pons-Brooks' stellar journey for future generations, AAA (Mumbai) has conducted a series of awareness campaigns for the public on when, where and how to spot the comet. Have to see, instructions have been given regarding this. Photography-videography, scientific discussions, educational competitions and other activities, especially for students and youth, Adoor said.