Ambikapur, Chhattisgarh Anti-Corruption Bureau on Friday arrested four people, including a sub-divisional magistrate, for allegedly demanding and accepting bribe in Surguja district. An officer gave this information.

He identified the accused as SDM Bhagi Rathi Khande, home guard Kavinath Singh, clerk Dharampal and peon Abir Ram.

"He is posted at the SDM office in Udaipur tehsil in Surguja. Khande demanded Rs 55,000 from the complainant for passing an order to correct the revenue records of a piece of land in favor of him and his family members in Jajga village. The complainant's uncle had also laid claim to the land,'' he said.

"Khande was lured into a trap laid by the ACB. He asked the complainant to give the bribe amount to his clerk, who in turn asked the peon to collect it. The peon asked the complainant to hand over the money to the home guard All four were arrested under the Prevention of Corruption Act,” the officer said.