New Delhi: One in every six people taking antidepressants will experience withdrawal symptoms, while one in 35 will experience severe symptoms when they stop, according to new research published in The Lancet Psychiatry journal.

The researchers said the study provides reliable estimates about the likelihood of patients experiencing withdrawal symptoms when stopping antidepressants, which are commonly used to treat depression but also other conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder. (OCD) and may also help in post-traumatic treatment. Stress disorder ().

There is a 15 percent risk of these symptoms, including dizziness, headache, nausea and irritability, occurring when stopping antidepressant medication, the researchers said.

"It is important to note that the symptoms of antidepressant discontinuation are not caused by antidepressant addiction," said co-lead author Jonathan Hensler of Charite. All patients discontinuing antidepressants should be counseled, monitored, and supported by health care professionals. There is an important need."Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany.

While previous studies have estimated that more than half of patients experience discontinuation symptoms — about half of which will be severe, the researchers said these figures are based on observational studies that cannot reliably establish cause-and-effect. Cannot determine link.

However, this research analyzing data from nearly 80 trials and more than 20,000 participants should provide reassurance that withdrawal symptoms in people are not as high as some previous studies and reviews have suggested, Hensler said.

The researchers said discontinuation of antidepressants should be planned jointly with patients and doctors and that patients should be monitored and supported, especially those developing severe symptoms, as they may be completely isolated from care. There may be a danger of this happening.

“For patients who have recovered with the help of antidepressants, doctors and patients may decide to stop taking them over time.Therefore, it is important that both doctors and patients have an accurate, evidence-based picture of what can happen when patients stop taking antidepressants," Hensler said.

While their research did not find a difference between studies that tapered antidepressants and studies that abruptly stopped medication, the authors called for future research, as they could not draw firm conclusions in this regard.