Radon gas is colorless and odorless and is emitted from the breakdown of naturally occurring radioactive material found underground which then seeps into building foundations. The gas can silently accumulate in people's lungs and homes, and may not be detected unless tested.

Data indicate that about 15–20 percent of newly diagnosed lung cancers occur in people who have never smoked, many of whom are in their 40s or 50s.

“Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer, and as a community, we should be aware and concerned about radon exposure as it has been shown to be one of the leading causes of lung cancer in never-smokers. It is believed.
,'' said David Carbone, a thoracic medical oncologist at The Ohio State University in the US.Carbone pointed out that there are relatively simple tests that can measure Rado in the home and assist in taking actions to reduce exposure.

This involves installing a radon treatment system outside the home that sucks air from the basement, where radon gas typically resides. It is also important to open windows and seal cracks in floors, walls, and foundations by using fans/venting in your home.

Additionally, Carbone called for possible legislation to require radon testing in schools, at places of business, and during home sales to help reduce community exposure. The effects of radon on the lungs are cumulative and may be delayed for several decades."So your kids playing in your basement or going to school today, if exposed to unknown levels of radon, may be at risk for lung cancer 10, 20, 3 years from now," Carbone said. Could."

“And because the gas is completely colorless and odorless, you won't know you're being exposed unless you proactively know the importance of testing."