According to the survey-based research presented, food and beverage advertisements on video game live streaming platforms (VGLSPs such as Twitch) are associated with more positive attitudes toward, and purchase and consumption of, unhealthy foods high in fat, salt, and/or sugar . At the European Congress on Obesity in Venice.

Calling the results "concerning", the researchers said there is a need for "stronger regulations on digital marketing of unhealthy foods to young people" on these platforms, which also include Kik, Facebook Gaming Live and YouTube Gaming.

According to the team led by Rebecca Evans of the University of Liverpool, "There is currently no effective regulation and minimal efforts to control it."

"Because VGLSPs are popular among young people, they provide an opportunity for food and beverage brands wanting to connect with teens," Evans said after surveying 490 people, whose average age was 17 years old.

"Food prompts on Twitch appeared at an average rate of 2.6 every hour, and the average duration of each prompt was 20 minutes," the team found, with junk food appearing more than 70 percent of the time and energy drinks 60 percent.

Research published by the American Medical Association showed vending machines with explicit health messages recorded "significantly lower sales of unhealthy beverages" compared to other machines.
