New Delhi [India], The risk-on trend in Indian stocks continued on Thursday morning as the indices started the session with a negative bias. After a spectacular rally over the past few weeks, the market faced some resistance this week, Indian benchmark indices also saw a sharp correction in Wednesday's trading session amid selling pressure ahead of the final phase of the Lok Sabha elections, 9.25 am According to the report, at the time of filing this, Sensex and Nifty were down 0.2 per cent from the previous day's close. The Sensex is now about 1,200-1,300 points below its all-time high, seen last week. The latest fall could be partly due to investors booking profits at higher levels to avoid any potential risk in the market ahead of the Lok Sabha election results. This week, Indian stock indices continued their uptrend, hitting fresh lifetime highs taking into account strong global market cues, expectations of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's comfortable return to office and other strong macroeconomic fundamentals. reached.In the last two weeks, the Sensex has jumped over 3,60 points on a cumulative basis, said VK Vijayakumar, chief investment strategist, Geoji Financial Services. “One strategy is to remain calm, watch the event and take a decision after the election results. " "Volatility will increase on June 3 and 4. If the exit polls show a clear trend, which is favorable from the market perspective, then buying decisions will be easy even after the prices rise. Investors are just waiting and waiting." Keep an eye on the situation before the Lok Sabha results.Now I expect further progress to depend on exit poll estimates, various macroeconomic data coming during the week, India's GDP in the fourth quarter and US inflation data. There was a massive 8.4 per cent growth during the October-December quarter of the financial year 2023-24 and the country remained the fastest growing major economy. India's growth rate is 7.2 percent in 2022-23 and 8.7 percent in 2021-22 respectively. Meanwhile, US markets are also in the red, with Morgan Stanley saying in its latest outlook report that most equity and fixed-income markets are largely positive on the second half of 2024, as global interest rate cuts are finally on the horizon. . The European Central Bank is likely to start cutting in June, the Bank of England is likely to start cutting in August and the US Federal Reserve is likely to start cutting in September.Morgan Stanley Research believes global equities will deliver positive returns this year, helped by the macroeconomic environment and the possibility of corporate earnings rising.