Colombo, Sri Lankan security forces responded to efforts to remember LTTE members killed in the group's bitter fight for a separate homeland for minority Tamils, ahead of the anniversary of the long-running war. Areas were put on alert. Ending.

Security forces received information about events being organized to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the last battle of the banned Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in the Tamil-dominated north and east of the island nation.

The three-decade-long armed conflict, which began in 1983, was ended by the island nation's army in 2009 by killing LTTE leaders.

Although the Army has decided not to deploy troops, a special task force of the Army and police will keep a close watch on possible LTT commemorations from Wednesday till May 20.Security forces said distribution of pro-LTTE literature was seen at several memorial events. At some events, there were also calls for the revival of the LTTE, which is under ban internationally, including in India.

Police have said that any group trying to celebrate in memory of the LTTE will be arrested.

However, Tamil political and rights groups say the planned events are not in memory of their kith and kin who died in the long-running conflict since the mid-1970s.

The main monument is also to be on the beach at Vellamullaivaikkal – the scene of the final battle – at Mullaitivu.In Tamil-dominated Jaffna, university and civic groups launched 'Mullivaikka Week' on 11 May. A blood donation campaign is being run in the memory of the martyr.

Porridge was distributed to mark the once-a-day service to civilians trapped in Mullaitivu when the final battle between LTT and government troops took place.

Four people, including three women, were arrested in the eastern city of Sampur for violating a court order banning LTTE commemorations, police said on Tuesday.

The LTTE ran a parallel administration in parts of the northern and eastern regions until May 2009.The armed conflict officially ended on May 19, 2003, when the body of LTTE supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran was found in a lagoon in the northeastern region of Mullaivaikkal.