Colombo, Sri Lanka on Saturday marked the 15th anniversary of the end of the armed separatist campaign as Tamils ​​held several events in the former conflict zone in the north and east to remember their loved ones killed in the conflict.

However, in several areas, police and government troops were accused of attempting to disrupt commemoration events.

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) waged a military campaign for a separate Tamil homeland in the northern and eastern provinces of the island nation for nearly 30 years before its collapse in 2009.

On 18 May 2009, the Sri Lankan military declared victory with the discovery of the body of dreaded LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran.

Amnesty International Secretary General Agnes Callamard visited the site of the last battle in Mullaivaikkal in north-eastern Mullaitivu district to take part in the commemorations.Callamard said, "Today's anniversary is a sobering reminder of the collective failure of the Sri Lankan authorities and the international community to bring justice to the many victims of Sri Lanka's three-decade-long internal armed conflict."

He said the UN investigation had found credible evidence of crimes committed by both sides of the conflict – "yet there has been little in the way of independent or impartial national investigations."

Police and government troops were accused of attempting to disrupt commemorations organized to mark the day in various parts. Soldiers say programs celebrating banned outfit LTTE under the guise of remembering 'conflict casualties' cannot be allowed.

The soldiers attacked and arrested many Tamils, including women, for organizing the memorial.In Colombo, police foiled an attempt to disrupt a ceremony commemorating those killed in the conflict. Police said a man was arrested after he argued with police saying he was against commemorating the LTTE.

Meanwhile, the government's victory in the war will be celebrated at the war memorial near Parliament here on Sunday with the participation of Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardene.

The Defense Ministry has announced promotions for over 3,100 sailors and 1,30 soldiers to mark the victory over the LTTE that ended the separatist campaign.