COLOMBO: Sri Lanka's Foreign Minister Ali Sabri has hailed the UK government's decision to retain the LTTE on the banned list, saying the move will foil any plans of the former armed group to revive itself in the island nation.

social media platform

Sabari, in his post on

He said, "The vision and strategy of the LTTE international network is to get foreign governments to sanction the LTTE so that they can revive the LTTE."

On 21 June, it was announced that Britain's Appeals Commission for Proscribed Organizations had ruled against banning the LTTE and would continue banning the former armed group that had fought a bloody three-decade-old campaign to create a separate Tamil homeland in the north. Wage armed struggle. And eastern region.

LTTE is banned in Sri Lanka, India, Britain, USA, Canada, Malaysia and European Union countries.

Sri Lanka first banned the LTTE in 1998 but revoked its ban in 2002 to facilitate the Norway-led peace process.

The ban was reimposed in 2008 after talks broke down and clashes resumed.

The group was completely defeated in mid-May 2009 in a three-year-long government military campaign.

From the mid-80s until its collapse in 2009, the LTTE ran a parallel government in parts of the north and east.