Union Minister of State for Youth Affairs and Sports Raksha Nikhil Khadse was also present at the second formal meeting of the COP9 Bureau and the third formal meeting of the Fund Approval Committee under the UNESCO International Convention against Doping in Sport.

In his opening remarks, Dr Mandaviya highlighted India's commitment to clean sport and its leading role in global anti-doping efforts. He reiterated the Indian philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one family) and emphasized the critical role of international cooperation in safeguarding the integrity of sports for future generations.

Raksha Nikhil Khadse reiterated the government's resolve to support a doping-free sporting culture and emphasized the growing partnerships India is forging in this area.

The inaugural session also saw the signing of an important Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) and the National Law University of Delhi (NLU Delhi), the ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

The MoU marks a strategic collaboration between NADA and NLU Delhi to enhance cooperation on anti-doping laws, policies and education. The collaboration will focus on the development of joint certification courses, academic research and organization of seminars, workshops and conferences to raise awareness and encourage a more inclusive and informed approach to anti-doping practices.

The MoU is a crucial step in strengthening legal education and research in anti-doping, reinforcing India's leadership in this field. Through this partnership, both institutions aim to create a robust framework for legal education and research that supports anti-doping initiatives at the national and international levels.

The inaugural session was attended by high-level dignitaries from several countries, including Azerbaijan, Barbados, Estonia, Italy, the Russian Federation, Senegal, Turkiye, the United Arab Emirates and Zambia. Delegates will continue to deliberate on critical issues related to the global anti-doping ecosystem and cooperation during the two-day event.

The Joint Meeting highlights India's growing influence in global sports governance, particularly in promoting ethical sporting practices and supporting international frameworks such as the UNESCO International Convention against Doping in Sport.

By holding these meetings, India further consolidates its position as a key player in the fight against doping, contributing to the creation of a cleaner and fairer sporting environment, the statement said.