MADRID [Spain], Spain Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has said he will not tender his resignation and will step up his fight against "baseless attacks", CN reported. His comments come five days after he canceled his public duties so he could consider whether to remain in the job after a Spanish court opened an investigation into his wife Begoña Gomez. Sanchez announced his decision in a televised address from his official compound in Madrid on Monday. His comments came after a corruption complaint was filed against him along with Begoña Gomez by Manos Limpias (Clean Hands), an organization with far-right ties. He announced, "I have decided to continue as chief, if possible with even greater force."The Spanish Government." The Spanish PM said he would step up his fight against "baseless" attacks, such as those against his wife, which he has previously attributed to conservative and far-right forces, CNN reports. Pedro Sanchez said, "I act on clear convictions. Or we will say a lot about this fall or it will condemn us as a nation." He further said, “This is not an ideological question.It is a question of dignity and defines us as a society. He said, "I and my wife know that this campaign (against us) will not stop" and that it will continue. He expressed his gratitude to members of his Spanish Socialist Party for their support for 10 years. His decision on Monday came after the Madrid Regional Superior Court of Justice opened an investigation against Gomez "for alleged influence in promoting business corruption" following a complaint by Manos Limpias. Reports related to the investigation emerged on April 24, and Sanche announced that he was suspending his public duties until Monday to "pause reflection" on whether he should continue leading the government, CNN reported. Hand's complaint appears to be based on "alleged information" from what he called some "right-wing and far-right digital media." On April 25, prosecutors presented an appeal to the judge against the investigation and requested him to drop the case.The press office of the Attorney General of Spain On the same day, Manos Limpias admitted that he had relied on press reports for his court complaint. In a statement, the group said, "It will be up to the judge to determine whether that journalistic information is true or not." The Spanish prosecution source said prosecutors did not find indications of a crime that would warrant opening an investigation against Gomez, CN. On Friday, another group associated with conservative causes, Hazte Oir (Make Yourself Heard), made public its complaint against Gomez in the same court, accusing him of "spreading influence" in a post on X, Salvador Illa. who was health minister under Sánchez during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now the Socialist Party's candidate for president of the Catalan region, described the Spanish PM's decision to remain in office as "reclaiming the dignity of politics." "Brave decisions to achieve and a commitment to stop."Those who try to weaken our democracy. Meanwhile, Alberto Nunez Feijú, leader of the main conservative opposition Popular Party, said, "This crisis neither started last Wednesday nor will end today. It is part of different years of embarrassment. Above all, of this current legislature. Month, which is slipping back into stability."