Kim made the remarks during an annual peace forum organized by Yonhap News Agency and co-hosted by the Unification Ministry to discuss ways to strengthen trilateral cooperation between South Korea, the US and Japan amid deepening security challenges. .

"Having defined inter-Korean relations as relations between two states hostile to each other, North Korea adopted an anti-unification and anti-democracy stance by carrying out an irrational provocative act of sending balloons carrying garbage to the South "Continued." the minister said, Yonhap news agency reported.

Kim said last week's summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin particularly endangered peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and beyond.

"Based on the strong alliance between South Korea and the United States, the government will enhance trilateral security cooperation and work with the international community to respond to North Korea's threats," he said. "We will continue to strive with patience to create conditions to induce North Korea to return to the negotiating table."