London [UK], Minorities are being victimized, girls are being forced to convert and Pashtuns are being labeled terrorists, participants said at a virtual conference on the situation of human rights in Pakistan, hosted by human rights activists. It was done by Arif Ajakia. The participants included David Vance, a social rights activist and a researcher, Azeem Masih, vice president of the Pakistan Minority Rights Organization (PMRO), Habibur Rehman, president of the France chapter of the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (Pashtun Tahafuz Movement), and Salih. Uder, Foreign Minister of the government-in-exile in East Turkistan Speaking about the human rights situation in Pakistan, PMRO Pakistan vice-chairman Azeem Masih said, "We discuss human rights issues everywhere. But I think the issues are worse in Pakistan. And it is much more stressful than Pakistan, especially because minorities are suffering in Pakistan and you can see churches being attacked every day, girls being forced to convert and being kidnapped. , even young girls are being taken away from their parents; they are being forced to marry and all factions of different political parties are on the attack against each other " "But not just minorities, there are different things in Pakistan that oppress each other. Some provinces have more rights than others.Some provinces in Pakistan have more control than others. All these things are mixed and those mixed things are creating more trouble for the human beings living in Pakistan,'' Masih said, adding to the issue, Ajakia said, ''Punjab province rules on the strength of its army. Is doing and other provinces are also doing similar. An occupied province or occupation of nations such as Sindhi, Baloch and Pashtun. And this is also true, greater awareness should be brought on minority issues. Pashtun issue is a very serious issue and they have been labeled terrorists but they are the victims of terrorism. “The Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan are facing one of the gravest violations of human rights in Pakistan, especially” The virtual seminar on Saturday saw the participation of representatives of social organizations from around the world and the foreign minister of the exiled government of East Turkistan.Asian Human Rights Forum organized a virtual discussion on issues of serious human rights violations in countries in Asia. RANS President Habibur Rehman, another leader belonging to Pakistan's Pashtun community, said in his statement, "We are here, we are raising our voice." Of the oppressed Pashtuns, and also of all other oppressed communities like Baloch, Sindhi and people of PoK, who are suffering because of the arm of Pakistan. During the conference, he further said, “The Army always talks about these terrorists who are actually nurtured by Pakistan. They go to Pashtun areas in the name of Lashkar-e-Taiba or Jaish, like 'O terrorists.'" He further mentioned, "They are bombing the houses of Pashtuns and forcibly disappearing them, ultimately it It is being called anti-terrorism.Boo Pashtuns are not terrorists. Pashtuns have always been victims of terrorism. The world now knows that they are training terrorists." And this Pakistan Army is the terrorist.”