The annual survey of enterprises in the unincorporated sector said this reflects better use of IT and digital platforms and indicates a faster rate of digitalization in the sector.

According to the survey, the unorganized sector has seen an increase of 5.88 percent in the estimated number of establishments, 7.84 percent in the estimated number of workers and 9.83 percent in gross value added.

The sector has also demonstrated increased capital investment, greater access to loans and increased use of information technology.

“Real estate owned by an unincorporated non-agricultural establishment, on average, has increased from Rs 2.81 lakh in 2021-22 to Rs 3.18 lakh in 2022-23, reflecting better capital investment in the sector. Also, per Outstanding credit to establishments has increased from Rs 37,408 in 2021-22 to Rs 50,138 in 2022-23, indicating an improvement in credit availability in the sector, the report said.

The survey also shows that about 54 percent of proprietary establishments in the manufacturing sector were run by women entrepreneurs.

This shows the success of government schemes aimed at empowering women.