She was speaking at a two-day regional dialogue on teenage pregnancy organized by the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (UNICEF ROSA), the Population Fund of United Nations (UNFPA) and the World Health Organization. (WHO) in Kathmandu, Nepal.

The Regional Director stated that the increase in teenage pregnancy is closely linked to child marriage, driven by underlying social, cultural and gender norms.

“Child marriage is a violation of the fundamental human rights of girls. It restricts your ability to make decisions and enjoy high standards of physical and mental health. It impedes their education and often prevents them from owning property,” Saima said.

She added that it poses significant gender and health challenges, including high mortality and morbidity rates.

“Adolescents under 16 years of age face four times the risk of maternal death compared to women over 20 years of age.

“About 670 adolescents die every day, mostly from preventable causes” in the region.

In addition to increasing the risk of domestic violence, early marriage also hinders educational levels, “trapping them in cycles of dependency, reduced independence and restricted economic opportunities,” said the WHO Regional Director.

Additionally, Saima said the Southeast Asian region is home to “26 percent of the planet's population and 29 percent of the world's adolescent population.”

But babies born to teenagers face a significantly higher risk of death, due to a lack of “adequate prenatal and postnatal care, delivery by a qualified midwife, and access to family planning.”

They also face greater humiliation and disrespect and receive poorer quality care than adults.

Highlighting “a considerable unmet need for contraceptives in all countries,” she called for “effective strategies, including investments, to address teenage pregnancy.”

“Those who traditionally suffer from health inequalities, such as girls and women, adolescents and vulnerable populations, are the drivers of sustainable development and powerful agents of change. Strategic investments in the health of women and girls generate multiplicative and multigenerational benefits beyond health,” said the Regional Director.