Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Actress Vidya Balan, who is gearing up for her upcoming film 'Do Aur Do Pyaar' with Prateek Gandhi, recently spoke about her successful marriage in an exclusive conversation with ANI, 'Parineeta' Revealed the 'mantra' for. ' The actress talked about the importance of open communication in relationships, "I believe every couple has their own unique mantra, but in my opinion, if we are open to each other about everything If we communicate openly, it can be very helpful, the actress said while discussing her relationship with her husband Siddharth Roy Kapur, Vidya Bala shared, "Siddharth and I discuss everything, if anyone feels bad Whether we are angry or if there is love, we express it honestly to each other, which is very important. It is important for a couple to share everything. And spending lots of time together, especially enjoying biryani together, is very important. Vidya Balan and Siddharth Roy Kapur got married on December 14, 2012 in Mumbai after a few years of courtship. 'Do Aur Do Pyaar', directed by award-winning ad filmmaker Shirsha Guha Thakurta, is her first feature film and is scheduled to release in theaters in April. 19, 2024 The trailer, released earlier this month, offers a glimpse into the complexity of modern relationships, inviting audiences of all ages to go on a journey filled with laughter, tears and love. Starring Ileana D'Cruz and Sendhi Ramamurthy, the film has a stellar cast that will enthrall the audience.