“BJP fought the 2019 Lok Sabha elections on the issue of national security, but what happened after that? China came to the border and destroyed the understanding developed over the years between the two countries. Speaking to media persons here, Tharoor said, they (China) know that the Narendra Modi government only talks but takes no action.

“If the BJP is fighting the ongoing elections on national security, I would like to say that we had 65 patrolling points on the India-China border where the armies of both the countries had the right to patrol for 45 years. Now the Chinese army has captured 26 of them and they are not allowing the Indian army to go there.

Tharoor said, "Modi government has not done anything in this matter. 20 of our soldiers were martyred in Galwan Valley of Ladakh."

Tharoor's comments came after senior BJP leaders said PoK belonged to India and it would be taken back from Pakistan at any cost.

Tharoor said: “BJP's national security narrative failed during this election and hence its leaders raised the issues of Ram Temple and Hindutva. Now, we have set the story for the ongoing Lok Sabha elections.

"We asked people whether there has been any change in their lifestyle during the 10-year rule of Narendra Modi. Do common people get jobs? Has their purchasing power increased? But people are saying that there is nothing like this in their lives. We also asked people why Tharoor said, we should give a third chance to BJP.