Bajaj Finance was down 8 per cent, Bajaj Finserv was down 3.7 per cent, Nestle was down 3.2 per cent. IndusInd Bank was down 3 per cent, M&M was down 2.1 per cent.

Sensex was trading at 73,830 points, down 509 points.

Nestle India reported 9 percent year-on-year revenue growth during the quarter ending March 2024. The company has achieved 12 percent revenue CAGR over the five-year period (CY18-FY24). Motilal Oswal Financial Services said domestic sales grew 9 per cent year-on-year, well supported by pricing, mix and volume growth. The brokerage reiterated neutral recommendation due to expensive valuations.

In the broader market, PSU stocks were in the lead, with HUDCO up 12 per cent, NLC India up 7 per cent, Engineers India up 6 per cent and CONCOR up 5 per cent.

23 out of 30 Sensex stocks were trading in the red. 1972 or 50 percent shares advanced while 1761 or 45 percent shares declined.