Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police (DGP) R R Swain on Wednesday said that police agencies and security forces have full control over the security situation in the Union Territory.

The DGP maintained that the degree of fear is significantly less compared to three-four years ago and emphasized that the law and order situation is much better in Kashmir now, as evident from the success of the Lok Sabha elections.

"The truth is that even now, the law enforcement and security forces have control and the upper hand (in the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir). To maintain order, pressure is maintained (on the terrorist ecosystem)," He said. reporters here.Responding to questions about the deteriorating security situation in Jammu and Kashmir, Swain said: "Questions are always asked: how can we say that the security situation is better when incidents take place? There is fear among people. It is important to clarify here "We have before us a security situation. The critical aspect of the situation is debatable. "Some may think it's critical, while others may say it's not."

The DGP asserted that law and order fully prevails in Jammu and Kashmir in all spheres of life.

"In terms of the number of terrorists and local recruitment, law and order, stoning, in all aspects, they will find order. The degree of fear is certainly lower compared to three or four years ago," he said. Swain further said that it is evident by the general pace of life: the operation of businesses, schools and public facilities, including shops, transport and public goods.

"We have a system and a rhythm of life," he said.

He said infiltration from across the border continues and terrorists are being pushed into Jammu and Kashmir. "There are foreign terrorists who have managed to infiltrate. All of us in the security establishment are aware of this and recognize it. No one in the security system prevents this," said the DGP.

He spelled out the challenges of addressing infiltration.

"As I have always said, we have a long, porous border made up of jungles, riverine areas, difficult terrain and topographical challenges. The enemy is finding new mechanisms to push the terrorists. Therefore, we have a challenge on our hands in terms of primarily from foreign terrorists," he said. Swain added that the people who support these infiltrators are also a challenge. "Some people, attracted by money or other motives, are part of this syndicate called terrorism and secessionism, supported by hostile adversaries. This is a challenge," he said.

The DGP said both challenges - the challenge of weapons and bombs of foreign terrorists and that of a few people who support them here - are being addressed firmly.

"The challenge of bombs and guns is being responded to through a planned security architecture, including the police, central paramilitary forces and the army," he said. Swain said supporters of terrorism within the region also They are being treated under the law. "We have very capable and competent investigation agencies - NIA, SIA and police teams - investigating the crimes of these protectors, supporters, facilitators and enemy agents," he said.

Responding to a question on the government's claims that all is well in Kashmir, the DGP said, "Please look at the data and the level of fear. You will see that there is order and a visible change in the security situation in Kashmir." ".

He underlined that the successful conduct of the Lok Sabha elections is the biggest proof of this. "In the past, participation in elections was restricted due to fear of terrorists and separatists. When this fear decreased, voter participation increased. If someone projects it as a political statement or for the purpose of building a narrative, We don't do it. I don't see it in that aspect," said Swain. Without naming anyone, he said that those who talk about enemies receive that freedom from the Indian state.

"It is the glory of India and the generosity of Indian democracy that it allows you to have a contrary view, even to the extent of being against the system and the country in which you live," he said.

Asked how this would affect the security situation, Swain said: "From a strict law enforcement point of view, as long as the law states that murder is a crime, the police and law enforcement agencies law enforcement will go ahead and prove that murder is a crime. murder. "So, to that extent, the responsibility of the police is to discharge their duty firmly and without fear. This ensures security against disturbance of peace, which has raised concerns in certain sections of the society," he said .

On the current policy to address the terrorist ecosystem, the DGP said he believes it is working.

"We are open to discussions and debates, not only within our organization but also in public discourse. We are completely apolitical on this. The question is whether the current approach is working. It works unless someone shows evidence to the contrary. Our position in the Jammu and Kashmir police is that we would like to protect lives," he added.