New Delhi: The Sebi board on Tuesday decided to amend the norms governing mutual funds to require asset management companies (AMCs) to identify and prevent potential market abuses, including front-running and fraudulent transactions in securities. There is a need to establish an "institutional mechanism".

In a statement issued after the findings, Sebi said the mechanism should include enhanced monitoring systems, internal control procedures and enhanced procedures to identify, monitor and detect specific types of misconduct, including front running, insider trading and misuse of sensitive information. . board meeting.

With a view to addressing the issues arising with respect to the inability of Venture Capital Funds (VCFs registered under the erstwhile VCF norms) to completely liquidate the investments of their schemes within the tenure of the scheme, the Board of SEBI has decided to provide a The proposal has been approved. Option to migrate such VCFs to AIF (Alternative Investment Fund) regulations and avail the facilities available to AIFs to deal with non-reflected investments.