Edinburgh [Scotland], Hamza Yousaf has resigned from his role as leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) and First Minister of Scotland, marking a significant development in Scottish politics, Al Jazeera reported Yousaf's resignation. This follows the recent dissolution of the SNP coalition. The Scottish Greens, a decision that sparked two no-confidence motions from opposition parties, putting Joseph's leadership in jeopardy. In a televised address, Youssef said, "I am not prepared to trade my values ​​and principles or make a deal with anyone just to retain power." The SNP, which advocates Scottish independence, was hit by a funding scandal and last year's former Challenges have been faced, including the departure of leader Nicola Sturgeon, which has sparked debate internally, about the party's policy approach, as it seeks to reconnect with voters, as reported by Al Jazeera Despite initially expressing confidence in his ability to avoid a no-confidence vote, Yusuf's prospects diminished over time, with his efforts to negotiate with other parties to strengthen his minority government facing uncertainty. Yusuf became Scotland's youngest elected leader and the first Muslim to hold any major political post.The political party admitted to underestimating the reaction following the end of the power-sharing agreement with the Scottish Greens, saying "I have concluded that repairing relations across the political divide can only be done under the leadership of someone else, " Joseph acknowledged his announcement as SNP leader Following Joseph's resignation, a search has begun for his successor and, as a result, a new First Minister. The Scottish Parliament has 28 days to support a replacement. If consensus cannot be reached, elections will be called. During his resignation speech, Yusuf urged an early start of a leadership contest to identify his successor. He will continue to serve as First Minister until a new leader is appointed.Born in Glasgow to Pakistani immigrants, Youssef emerged as a skilled communicator, tasked with uniting the SNP amid internal divisions. Taking over the leadership in March 2023 amid declining support for Scottish independence, Yussa faced a difficult tenure, which was cut short after just one year, "Politics can be a brutal business," Yussa said in his statement. He said through tears, acknowledging the challenges of his tenure. Despite the difficulties, he recognized the importance of his leadership, noting the parallel rise of Rishi Sunak, Britain's South Asian prime minister, saying, "I could never have dreamed that one day, I would have the privilege of leading my country. ," They said. “When I was young, people who looked like me were not in positions of political influence, let alone leading governments,” he said, according to a Jazeera report."