Huntington's is a genetic disease in which nerve cells (neurons) in the brain gradually break down and die. This condition leads to dementia with a progressive decline in a person's activity, memory and cognition. There is no treatment at present.

The team from Lancaster University in the UK showed that Huntington's disease not only affects nerve cells in the brain, but also has widespread effects on microscopic blood vessels.

Changes were seen even before disease symptoms appeared, demonstrating the potential of this research to predict brain health and evaluate the beneficial effects of lifestyle changes or treatments.

Professor Anneta Stefanowska, of Lancaster University, said she hoped the new method could help "monitor disease progression and evaluate the impact of potential treatments or lifestyle changes" in people with "Huntington's and other neurodegenerative diseases". .Professor Anneta said the study "will also lead to new treatments for Huntington's disease that will target vasculature and brain metabolism."

In their study, published in the journal Brain Communications, the team examined changes in the coordination between neuronal activity and brain oxygenation in Huntington's disease.

They combined non-invasive measurement techniques and innovative analysis methods.

Using infrared light, researchers can measure the brain's blood oxygenation.

Additionally, using electrodes that can measure electrical activity from neurons, the team studied several rhythms related to the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system through mathematical techniques.These rhythms include heart and respiratory rates, which are related to the transport of nutrients and oxygen, as well as slower rhythms associated with local control of blood flow.

The team explained that brain activity appears in a fast rhythm. The efficient functioning of the brain depends on how well organized all these rhythms are.