New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to consider the plea of ​​a Tamil Nadu farmer leader to extend the deadline for filing nomination papers to contest the elections from Varanasi Lok Sabha seat, from where Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in the fray. Is interested in publicity litigation".

The Prime Minister filed his nomination papers as a BJP candidate from Varanasi parliamentary constituency on May 14, the last date for filing nomination papers. Voting will take place on June 1.

A division bench of Justices Vikram Nath and Satish Chandra Sharma said, "You want to withdraw, we can allow you to withdraw. If you want us to reject it, we can reject it. All these are publicity interests." There are petitions."

Advocate S Mahendran, appearing for P Ayyakannu, a native of Trichy in Tamil Nadu and president of the National South Indian River Interlinking Agriculture Association, claimed that Ayyakannu was removed from the Varanasi-bound train by railway security personnel on May 10. He was going to file nomination from the seat.

He said even the Prime Minister filed his nomination papers on the last day and urged the court to ask the Election Commission to extend time for it.

During the brief hearing, the bench asked why Ayyakannu wanted to contest from Varanasi and said the entire purpose of the petition was to gain publicity.