New Delhi, The Supreme Court Collegium headed by Chief Justice DY Chandrachu on Wednesday recommended the name of Justice Rakesh Mohan Pandey to the Center for appointment as a permanent judge of the Chhattisgarh High Court.

According to the resolutions uploaded on the apex court website, the collegium also recommended the names of Justice Sachin Singh Rajput and Justice Radhakisha Agarwal for appointment as additional judges of the Chhattisgarh High Court.

Another uploaded resolution said the collegium, which also includes Justices Sanji Khanna and BR Gavai, has recommended that Justice Waseem Saadi Nargal be appointed as additional judge for a fresh tenure of one year. Go.

On November 22, 2023, the Collegium of the Chhattisgarh High Court unanimously made the above recommendation for appointment of Additional Judge Justice Pandey as a permanent Judge of that High Court and for extension of the present tenure of Justice Rajput and Justice Aggarwal.

“We have duly taken note of the views of the Chief Minister and the Governor of the State of Chhattisgarh in the context of the Memorandum of Procedure, the Judges of the Supreme Court, who are familiar with the matters of the Chhattisgarh High Court, were consulted."An approach to ensure the suitability of one of the above Additional Judges for appointment as a permanent Judge and the other two for appointment as Additional Judges for the new term.

"A Committee of two judges of the Supreme Court constituted by the Chief Justice of India in terms of the Supreme Court Collegium's resolution dated October 26, 2017, assessed the decisions of the above additional judges," the collegium said.

The Collegium examined and evaluated the material placed on record to assess the eligibility and suitability of the above names.

"After considering all aspects of the case and taking overall consideration of the above proposal, the Collegium is of the view that Justice Rakesh Moha Pandey, Additional Judge, is fit and suitable to be appointed as Permanent Judge and Justice Sachin Singh Rajput and Justice Radhakishan Aggarwal should be appointed for a new term as per the recommendation of the High Court collegium.

Regarding Justice Nargal's extension, the collegium said it consulted judges of the Supreme Court who are familiar with the cases of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh High Court."A Committee of two Judges of the Supreme Court constituted by the Chief Justice of India in terms of the Resolution of the Supreme Court Collegium dated 26th October, 2017 has evaluated the judgments of Shri Justice Waseem Sadiq Nargal. The Committee has evaluated the quality of his judgments. Was described as 'good'...

"In view of the above, the Collegium recommends that Shri Justice Wasi Sadiq Nargal, Additional Judge, be appointed as Additional Judge of the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh for a fresh tenure of one year with effect from June 3 , 2024,” the collegium said.