Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the special premiere of 'Sarfarosh', actor Aamir Khan gave fans a big update on the film's sequel. To celebrate the film's milestone, Aamir Khan, Sonali Bendre Naseeruddin Shah, Mukesh Rishi and others gathered for the star-studded screening. The special screening of Sarfarosh was held at PVR Juhu, Mumbai. While interacting with the media, Aamir told that he also wants to make a sequel to Sarfarosh. He said, "Sarfarosh 2 banni chahiye (Sarfarosh 2 should be made) Even I feel that way. As soon as we left the film, an idea came to our mind that we can make a part 2. Even now I feel like John ( Director John Mathew Mathan has a good story that we can make Sarfarosh 2. And this time he said that he will give it a chance, this film directed by John Mathew Mathan will revolve around Aamir's police character. who vows to eliminate crime after his father is paralyzed and his elder brother is murdered by terrorists. In 1999, Aamir Khan surprised everyone as ACP Ajay Singh Rathore in 'Sarfarosh'. Sonali Bendre played the role of Aamir's love interest in the film. Apart from its plot, the other special aspect of 'Sarfarosh' was its music composed by Jatin-Lalit, the film featured songs from Jagjit Singh's 'Hos Walon Ko'. There are evergreen songs like 'Khabar Kya,' 'Zindagi Maut Na Ban Jaye,' 'Is Deewane Boyko,' 'Je Haal Dil Ka,' etc.