Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Tuesday said the Saga incident was the result of enmity, a comment in the backdrop of the death of a Dalit woman after she allegedly fell from an ambulance carrying her uncle's body two days ago. I came in.

Yadav said he would visit Barodia Nonagir village to meet the victim's family, but described Congress's demand for a CBI inquiry as "the work of the opposition".

"I am going to Sagar-Khurai and I hope, God willing, everything will be fine in that village. This was the result of an enmity. I sympathize with them. We have instructed the administration to ensure that Things like this shouldn't happen again." And people live harmoniously,” Yadav said when asked about the Sagar incident.

Anjana Ahirwar, whose brother Nitin Ahirwar alias Lalu was allegedly beaten to death by some people who pressed for a settlement in a harassment case last August, died after "falling" from an ambulance on Sunday. Died after, who was carrying the body of his uncle. Police had said that some people allegedly beat him to death on Saturday.

"It is the job of the opposition Congress to demand a CBI probe. They have to speak like this. They knew about it. Former chief minister Digvijay Singh also went there and visited both the places where the controversy took place," he said. The house where the incident (murder) took place,” Yadav said.

He said, "What else can one do when coming from outside? It was a brawl and what can one do in such a situation? We cannot deny that the incident did not happen. We realized the seriousness of the incident." Is." ,

Earlier in the day, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi assured support to Anjana Ahirwar's family members.