The source, speaking on condition of anonymity on Thursday, said the incident occurred during a routine visit by a Russian medical team to the center to provide medical aid to local communities.

The source reported that several people were injured as a result of the explosion, including a Russian officer, a Russian translator, a Syrian translator and a civilian who suffered minor injuries.

Additionally, two medical team cars were damaged and windows of the medical center were broken in the blast, Xinhua news agency reported.

The motive behind the attack is not clear.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported the incident, saying that a Russian soldier, a translator and a civilian were injured when an improvised explosive device detonated in an ambulance of Russian forces near the al-Lulua Medical Center in al-Hasakah. Went. City.

It said that the sound of an explosion was heard in the area, which caused a lot of damage.

The observatory said the injured were taken to hospital for treatment.

The Syrian government controls a security zone in al-Hasakah, where US-backed Kurdish militias also control vast areas.