Such a trend is “fraught with disastrous consequences” and poses “serious strategic risks,” Lavrov said during a video message to the Conference on Non-Proliferation in Moscow on Monday.

According to the report of Xinhua news agency, he said that the world is now facing a crisis in arms control, disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation.

Lavrov called for joint efforts to build a renewed international security architecture based on the principles of multilateralism, equality and indivisibility.

The foreign minister said Russia is ready to discuss ratifying the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty as soon as the US does so.

Russia had revoked its ratification of the treaty in November last year.

The treaty, signed in 1996, is a multilateral agreement that bans all nuclear explosion tests conducted for peaceful or military purposes. Russia ratified the treaty in 2000, while the US has not yet ratified it.