Bhopal, Senior BJP leader Raghunandan Sharma on Friday urged Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav to run a cleanliness drive in his government and the state administration, as he is doing with water bodies to remove the filth present there, but Is not visible. ,

Former Rajya Sabha member Sharma was speaking at an event organized to mark the revival of a local lake.

"You have started a campaign to clean a small pond. You have to run a big cleanliness campaign in the government and administration because there is a lot of dirt there. That dirt is not visible because it is hidden under the body. I have full faith in you " Because of your immense energy and strong will we have been able to clean it up,'' he said.

Later speaking to reporters, Sharma said that some people in the government are holding positions of their choice for their vested interests and are filling their houses and taking services, harassing the people.

He said, "I have made a symbolic request (for cleanliness drive in governance) because many outside elements including middlemen and agents are involved in power. They are filth and need to be thrown out. Such elements are given shelter because of politics. Goes and they are.” Active,” Sharma claimed.

Sharma said it is the responsibility of the Chief Minister to remove all such obstacles to ensure the welfare of the people.

Addressing the function, CM Yadav appreciated the efforts being made to conserve and clean the lake, and said that the fountains installed make it beautiful and also ensure that the water gets oxygen.