Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Mumbai Indians (MI) batsman and Indian captain Rohit Sharma on Sunday slammed Indian Premier League (IPL) broadcasters for allegedly recording his private conversations and using AI to violate his right to privacy. But called to run. From X, saying that cricketers' lives have become intrusive due to cameras recording every move and conversation, putting players' privacy at risk. He also said that content creation focused on viewpoint and engagement would "break the trust" between fans, cricketers and cricket. However, it is not clear which of Rohit's conversations was played on air. "The lives of cricketers have become so intrusive that cameras are now recording every move and conversation we make." In privacy, with our friends and colleagues, during training or on match days, despite asking Star Sports not to record it, it was broadcasted, which is necessary to get the exclusive content. And is focused only on watching, Sharma tweeted, "And engagement will one day break the trust between fans, cricketers and cricket." It is noteworthy that Rohit's team Mumbai Indians (MI) is under the leadership of the new captain Hardik. Pandya, who had a disappointing Premier League (IPL) campaign in 2022-23, returns to the Blue and Gold team after an impressive stint with MI that included four wins in the franchise's maiden season. , finishing bottom of the points table with 10 losses and eight points. Rohit had a good performance with the bat, scoring 417 runs at an average of 32.0 and a strike rate of 150. He scored a century and a half-century, with his best score being 105*.