The film depicts the journey of cultural assimilation faced by many women who relocate to America.

Ritwik explores the precarious existence of a woman who finds herself culturally displaced, reflecting on the forces shaping her choices and her need to redefine her identity as a dependent mother.

Talking about the film, Ritwik said, "'Hema' is inspired by my mother, who passed away a decade ago after battling cancer. With the incredible talent of Rajshri Deshpande and DOP Marcus Patterson, we have captured her spirit. Captured on 16mm film."

She said, “Born in Satara, she spent her adult life in Pune before migrating to the US with our family. The film not only tells her story but also traces the journey of any person who is looking for a new world. Has settled into place and has to find himself again."

The film is a co-production between India and the US, marking a collaboration between producers Aishwarya Sonar (Lambe Log Productions) and Shaurya Nanavati (Hyperreel), harnessing the talents and experiences of both countries to bring this compelling story to life. Combines resources.

Aishwarya said, "'Hema' pays tribute to Ritwik's mother, but it is also the story of many women, including me, who struggle to find their home away from home."