As May is marked as High Blood Pressure Awareness Month, experts from Ape Institute briefed the media about the rising cases of high blood pressure in the country, the reasons behind it and ways to reduce it.

"About 15-20 per cent of children and adolescents aged 10-19 years have higher blood pressure than normal for their age," said Dr Sumit Malhotra, professor, Center for Community Medicine at AIIMS.

"This is worrying," he said, adding that high blood pressure is a leading cause of stroke, myocardial infarction or heart attack, kidney disease and retina problems, among others.

He said that in most cases, people are not aware of their blood pressure condition and those who are aware do not go for treatment. He stressed the need to measure BP accurately and then treat them promptly."Schools and educational institutions are very important platforms to help the younger generation understand the health risks and make early lifestyle modifications," the doctor said.

Dr Kiran Goswami, Professor, Center for Community Medicine, AIIMS, said hypertension is a major modifiable risk factor, and is responsible for most premature deaths in the country, especially among the young population.

He said, "If you can control your systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 10 millimeters of mercury, you can reduce the initial risk of cardiovascular deaths by about 20 percent. The risk of stroke can be reduced by one third." "

Experts said that apart from genetic risks, tobacco use at an early age, overweight, physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle are the major risk factors for high BP.Dr. Sumit said, stress is also a big risk factor.

"Educational institutions should teach the young population how to deal with stress. The pressures start at a young age. How to deal with stress is an important life skill that should be taught to our young children, and it can have long-term benefits "Combating a range of conditions, including the early onset of non-communicable diseases (NCDs)," he said.

Experts called for adopting a healthy lifestyle, eating more fruits and vegetables and doing aerobic exercise like brisk walking and cycling for 30 minutes.