Rinku, who is currently appearing in the show 'Anokha Bandhan', said that for her happiness is finding joy in the small things in life.

The 'Durgesh Nandinii' actress said, "For me, happiness is about being present and finding joy in every moment. It is not something that is easily defined in words; rather, it is a state of being where you feel happy and cheerful regardless of the circumstances."

The actress believes that happiness exists at different levels and says, "There is momentary happiness that comes from immediate gratification. Then there is happiness from personal achievements, such as setting and achieving goals. However, the ultimate happiness is when your soul she is happy and satisfied from within." ".

Rinku also mentioned that peace and contentment are important to be happy.

"Satisfaction is crucial to happiness. People's needs are endless and sometimes we need to put an end to our desires and be content with what we have. Living a peaceful and satisfying life leads to true happiness," she shared.

However, Rinku noted that people often confuse success with happiness.

The actress said: "Success can bring happiness and even buy happiness through immediate gratification, but it is meaningless if you cannot share love and happiness with your family or live in peace. My greatest happiness comes from making others smile. someone".

Sharing happy moments from her personal and professional life, she said, "I find happiness in the smallest things and I am always happy. Professionally, I feel happy whenever I do a good scene and get recognition."

"Currently, playing the character of Sadhna in 'Anokha Bandhan' gives me utmost happiness and satisfaction, especially when I get applauded for my scenes. For me, happiness is everywhere; we just need to see it," she added.

The show 'Anokha Bandhan' airs on Dangal TV.