New Delhi, BJP on Thursday termed Manmohan Singh's remarks on Prime Minister Narendra Modi as ridiculous and said that despite leaving active politics, the former Prime Minister has not given up his habit of misleading the people of the country.

In a letter to voters of Punjab ahead of the seventh phase of Lok Sabha elections on June 1, Manmohan Singh accused Modi of undermining the dignity of public debate and the solemnity of the office of Prime Minister by making "hateful speeches". election campaign.

He also accused Modi of making some false statements.

Hitting back, BJP national spokesperson RP Singh said in a post on .''The person who held the post of Prime Minister of the country.,

He said, "It seems that even after retiring from active politics, Dr. Manmohan Singh has not given up his habit of misleading the people of the country."

On the former PM's comment that Modi has reduced the dignity of the post of Prime Minister, RK Singh said, "Today India's name is being heard all over the world. We saw a glimpse of this in the G-20 meeting last year."

He said, however, that people have not forgotten that during Manmohan Singh's tenure as Prime Minister, there was reportedly a post of "Super PM".

“And foreign dignitaries visiting the country only liked to meet this Super P,” he alleged.,

On the former PM's claim that he never targeted any community, RK Singh said, "The truth is that it was Manmohan Singh who had said twice that Muslims have the first right on the resources of this country."

He also took aim at Manmohan Singh's allegation that India's economy had seen "unimaginable turmoil" in the last 10 years, saying, "During your tenure, the Indian economy was in a fragile state."

"Today it is one of the top five (economies). The country has seen almost three times growth compared to your tenure. India is the fastest growing economy in the world today," RK Singh said."