Kolkata, Political economist Parakala Prabhakar on Thursday asserted that the "new India" under the BJP government has "weaponised" religion for political purposes.

Addressing a press conference here, Prabhakar said there has been an attempt to destroy federalism, and the federal structure in the country is a symbol of the "undemocratic way the government is working at the Centre".

"Religion was always there. But, the new thing in this 'new India' under the BJ government is the weaponization of religion for political purposes and interests," he said at the launch of his book 'The Crooked Timber of New India' in Kolkata. " Essay on a Republic in Crisis'.

Claiming that there is a crisis in the country's economic and social sector, Prabhakar said that in this "new India", it is difficult to be critical of the government because "it wants us to accept whatever story it spins". .

Prabhakar said, "The central government does not like criticism... Those who had no role in the country's long freedom struggle are now marketing themselves as patriots, which is a sham."

Prabhakar, known to be critical of the current system, said that, among other things, the "new India" is characterized by huge inequalities, where "the top one percent of the population holds 22 percent of the national income".

He asserted, "Only one percent of India's population controls 40 percent of the country's resources."