"I want to thank the outgoing Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. No one should underestimate his achievements as our country's first British Asian Minister and the extra effort that would have been required," Starmer said in Downing Street after meeting King Charles at Buckingham Palace. and be formally invited to form the next government.

The Starmer-led Labor Party had secured 412 seats as of Friday evening Indian time, registering a resounding victory and ending 14 years of Conservative Party rule.

The 61-year-old Labor Party leader, who became Britain's 58th Prime Minister, promised to bring about change and said it was time to get results.

"Now our country has voted decisively for change and the return of politics to public service... Country first, party second... Politics can be a force for good. We will prove it," he declared.

Starmer also promised to "rebuild" the country's "opportunity infrastructure... brick by brick," while maintaining that changing a country is "not like flipping a switch" and will take time even if the work begins immediately.

Earlier, Sunak not only resigned as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, but also confirmed that he will step down as Conservative leader once formal arrangements have been made to elect his successor.

"I have given my all to this job, but you have sent a clear signal that the UK government must change. And yours is the only judgment that matters," Sunak said in a brief speech outside the prime minister's office. . in Downing Street.

"I have heard your anger, your disappointment, and I take responsibility for this loss. To all the conservative candidates and activists who worked tirelessly, but without success, I regret that we were not able to deliver what your efforts deserved," he added.

Sunak accepted responsibility for the Conservatives' loss and apologized to voters for the party's shocking performance, but added that the UK was "more prosperous, fairer and more resilient than in 2010" during the 14 years of Conservative rule. conservatives.

"When I was first here as Prime Minister, I told you that the most important task I had was to return stability to our economy. Inflation is back on target, mortgage rates are falling and growth has returned. We have improved our position in the world," he said.

"This is a difficult day, but I leave this job honored to have been Prime Minister of the best country in the world," Sunak said before he and his wife Akshata Murty left for Buckingham Palace, where the outgoing prime minister formally presented his resignation. King Charles.