Udhampur (Jammu and Kashmir), Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday launched a scathing attack on India's opposition faction that termed the Ram temple in Ayodhya as an "election issue" for the BJP, saying it is a matter of faith for the people there. . Country.

He compared the mentality of the Congress and its allies to that of the Mughals, whom he said took pleasure in vandalizing temples, and inciting the majority community by showing videos of them eating meat in the month of Sawan to strengthen their vote bank. Accused of teasing. ,

“You must have seen how much Congress hates the Ram temple. Even if the temple is mentioned, the Congress and its entire machinery starts shouting.They say that Ram temple is an election issue for BJP. This was never an election issue and it will never be an election issue," the Prime Minister said at a huge public rally here in Jammu and Kashmir. Amid tight security arrangements, Modi campaigned for Union Minister Jitendra Singh in Udhampur, Who is contesting again for the third consecutive time from Udhampur seat in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Modi said that the Ram Mandir movement had started when the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was not even born. He said, “This was an issue at the time when the British were about to come.This is a 500-year-old matter when there was no idea about elections."

Taking a dig at the Congress for rejecting the invitation to the consecration ceremony of the temple, Modi said, "What kind of election game was this that you rejected the invitation to this sacred function? This is an election issue for the Congress and Is." India block, while it is a matter of devotion and faith for the people of the country,” he said.The Prime Minister said the temple is a victory for tolerance.

He said, "It was a victory after a long wait of 500 years.When foreign invaders vandalized temples, the people of India fought to protect their religious places. He had to face the worst circumstances to defend his faith."

Taking a dig at leaders of the Congress and its allies, whom he said were living in big bungalows when Ram Lalla was living in tents, Modi said people were forced to change tents during rains. They wandered from door to door, but later they changed tents. b Court cases were threatened."This was an attack on the faith of crores of people who considered Ram as the principal deity for worship.We told these people that one day, Ram will return to his temple. Don't forget three things - one, this is a reality now after 500 years of fighting. Do you agree? Secondly, it has been through the entire process of the judiciary and its justice delivery system that has contributed every penny for the construction of the temple, not the government,'' he said.

Modi said the temple trustees invited him to visit his home after the opposition leaders forgave him for the sins committed against those standing in favor of the temple, but he declined the invitation.

"I want to ask the Congress that when you were speaking against it day in and day out, under what election issue were you doing so? Every devotee of Lord Ram has seen your arrogance when you have ignored the biggest event of crores of people. Was ignored.People were connected,” the Prime Minister said. He claimed that rejecting the invitation was the election game plan of these parties. Modi said, "What kind of compulsion was it that you said that Ram was imaginary. Which vote bank were you catering to? The Congress and the Indian faction do not care about the majority of the people of the country. They are happy in insulting their sentiments." It is felt.,

Referring to some leaders eating meat in the month of Sawan and making its video viral, Modi said, “In the month of Sawan, they went to the house of a person who was sentenced by the court and is on bail and they ate meat. Tasted it. Of mutton. He made a video of this to tease the people of the country."

“In the month of Shravan, whether someone was convicted, someone was on bail, someone went to such a criminal… In the month of Shravan, they enjoyed eating mutton. Not only this, he made a video and did the work of teasing.''People of India," he said, referring to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's visit to RJD supremo Lal Prasad's house. Modi said neither does any law stop anyone from eating anything.

"Everyone is free to eat vegetarian or non-vegetarian food. But their intentions are different. The Mughals got satisfaction from demolishing temples, not from defeating kings.He got pleasure from it."

"Similarly, they tease the people of the country by releasing such videos in the month of Sawan and strengthen their vote bank," the Prime Minister alleged. He said that by highlighting and eating non-vegetarian food during Navratri, people are Feelings get hurt. He said, "These people will abuse and target me for saying this. But when this goes beyond the limits of tolerance, then in a democracy it is my duty to tell the right things to the people.This is my job. "I am doing my duty," he said.

Modi accused these leaders of deliberately indulging in such acts so that "a section of people get angry." He said, "Their mentality is Mughal.They do not know that when the public responds appropriately, the princes of great dynasties are sidelined. Dynastic parties and people steeped in corruption should not be given a chance."