Jaipur, Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra on Saturday said that students should use their education for the upliftment of the country and society.

Addressing the third convocation of the Design and Development Institute in Jodhpur, he also called for strengthening the economy by adopting innovation in footwear design and exporting products.

Saying that entrepreneurship development is essential, the Governor urged the new generation to become job creators rather than job seekers.

He also stressed on updating the curriculum in the light of the new National Education Policy-2020.

The main objective of the institute is to promote handicraft skills along with education. Mishra said that keeping in mind the rapid growth of the footwear and fashion industry across the world, the institute will determine the future direction of the sector.

He also called upon the institute to produce skilled designers.

Mishra said that everyone should make efforts to make India a leader in this field.

He said that the institute should study the category-wise demand of athletic and non-athlete footwear and manage innovation and new technical learning to develop the products.