In the value period, freight revenue grew by 11.1 percent to Rs. Rs 14,798.11 crore during June 2024, which was Rs 13,316.81 crore in the same month last year.

Commodity-wise, Indian Railways loaded 60.27 MT of coal (except imported coal), 8.82 MT of imported coal, 15.07 MT of iron ore, 5.36 MT of pig iron and finished steel, 7.56 MT of cement. achieved. Excluding clinker), 5.28 MT in clinker, 4.21 MT in food grains, 5.30 MT in fertilizers, 4.18 MT in mineral oil, 6.97 MT in containers and 10.06 MT in remaining other goods during June, 2024.

According to a statement from Indian Railways, under the mantra "Hungry for Cargo", the organization has made "continuous efforts to improve ease of doing business as well as service delivery at competitive prices."

The statement said a customer-centric approach and the work of the business development units have helped achieve these important results.