Chandigarh, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Friday thanked Punjab farmers for following his advice and not cultivating Pusa-44 variety of paddy last season, saying the move resulted in electricity savings of Rs 477 crore.

The Chief Minister said that he is working hard to save farming and make it a profitable business again.

Mann also said that he ensured that farmers got the required electricity during the day.

Mann, in a video message, said he has requested farmers not to sow the long duration paddy variety Pusa-44 in the last Kharif season as it takes more than 150 days to mature.

He said that considering his advice, the area under Pusa-44 has been reduced by 50 percent.

Mann said, our farmers planted PR-126, PR-127, PR-128, PR-129 and PR-130 varieties instead of Pusa-44, which takes only 90 days to mature.

"Due to reduced area under Pusa-44, electricity worth Rs 477 crore was saved and 5 billion cusecs of ground water was also saved," he said.

Saying he was extremely happy that farmers followed his advice on a simple request, the Chief Minister said he would always take decisions for the betterment of Punjab.

Mann said that Pusa-44 produces more stubble than other varieties and he again requested the farmers that they should not sow this variety at all.

“This will save electricity and groundwater,” he said.

In particular, farmers use electricity to run their tube wells to provide water to the fields.